Anytime you hit someone in the body (above the waist and below the neck
Soldiers shot the body, and if they didn't die, they were dead.
No, but your metabolic rate will. What body weight does is affect the amount of alcohol you need to drink to get drunk--which is one of the reasons you don't go shot-for-shot with someone twice as big as you.
il a fusillé quelqu'un - he shot someone
Someone saw him and shot him.
Yes. Depends on distance, pellet size, 2 1/2 or 3" shell, velocity, or if you happen to be wearing body armor.
Abe was shot in the head.
Normally, you would get a booster shot in your arm.
Where the round hits the body doesn't affect the legitimacy of someone being shot as a measure of self defence. The circumstances surrounding the shooting are primarily what determines it.
There is no promise that you will be able to revive someone who has been shot. You must call for medical attention quickly.
someone ran up on him when he was with a group of people and shot him and then ran.