cross you arm around you opponent's neck . make sure that you arm is between the chin and shoulder.Next use you another arm and apply pressure to the temple or fore head where the pressure will cause your opponent's neck to be pressed on your 'crossing' arm.
Get it in a sleeper hold
take a hold of both of your asailants upper arms/elboes and step back wilst simultaniously heaving your arms down and leaning forward into a one knee down position. after this as your own assailant is sitting up apply your own sleeper hold(he is probably trying to kill you)untill he stops strugling.
no thing but dome
the sleeper hold is the most used
A sleeper hold
Dolph Ziggler.
it takes someone 5 to 10 seconds to wake up after they have been put in the sleeper hold
Yes. So could a gun
The Sleeper Hold