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Q: How do poor people afford wrestling training at WWE nxt?
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The food for rich is poor people(their mind and body) and for poor people whatever they afford to get,not when they are hungry but when it is available.. By-Sagar

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the people who were poor had the best diet because they could not afford rich meat they could only afford veg and fruit. So poor had the best diet.

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poor people couldnt afford things that could help them to survive x

Are people in Britain to poor to afford macs?

No, The people in Britain know that Linux is the way to go.

Why poor people leads to disability?

Wealthy people can better afford knowledge, foods, shelter, transportation, clothing, and medical treatment than poor people.

What kind of villa did poor people live in roman times?

None. A villa was a luxurious country estate and poor people could never afford them.

Are middle class people the new poor?

lol, no. You're "poor" when you can't afford to buy things that you really need.

In Tudor times did they eat cheese?

Yes they did, but only rich people because the poor could not afford it and would only be able to afford certain foods.

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Poor people mostly. Those of us who cant afford domestic dogs.

Who were affected by the Irish potato famine?

The famine affected poor people who couldn't afford a healthy lifestyle.

Is quality education for rich or for poor?

Quality education is for everyone. Poor people often cannot afford the best quality of education, so they are less likely to get it than rich people.