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To get in shape run and do plenty of cardio, your lungs are what is going to help you win a fight. Try and increase your distance a mile every couple of weeks. Also eat healthy and avoid sodas and stuff, they weaken your bones and dehydrate you.

Keep up with the heavy bag to work on form and cardio. Practice combinations and if you can strap weights to your wrist and keep your hands up, this way they will be use to staying up even when tired.

Sparing is by far the most important thing I can lastly tell you, without real fighting experience all your work will just keep you alive longer, but to be ready and hold your own work with a partner and keep fighting with those who will. Good luck mate! Also stay away from anything like fast food or energy drinks.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Actually, prior to the final "weigh-in", where many boxers "cut" their weight dramatically, boxing training is probably one of the most disciplined and healthy regimen I have ever done. When a truly great fighter steps into the ring for a big fight (at least big to the fighter), he is probably in better shape than most in the world. So the actual training regimen keeps you healthy. However, you may be thinking of the weigh-in. If so, I agree that this act is not at all healthy. I no longer do any type of drastic, 1-day cutting anymore. It certainly is not good. But after the hell you've put yourself through (which usually is a one day torture), you replenish your body just as fast. I've been in camps/teams where guys have weighed in at 170 lbs. Then the next evening, for the fight, they weighed up to 200 lbs. To achieve this, after starving your body, you simply have to eat, drink water, eat, eat, and drink more water. So in short, during "training" a boxer is healthy as a horse, expect for the one day of cutting weight.

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10y ago

Carbohydrates - boxing is an anaerobic activity which requires professional boxers to maintain high energy levels for fifteen intensive 3-minute rounds. A boxer's intention should be to eat foods which will provide the correct strength, power and weight ratio which is best maintained by sources of high energy and low fat content. For this reason carbohydrates are the ideal foodstuff for boxers, slowly releasing energy for a sustained period of time, replacing lost glycogen stores and increasing stamina during fights and training. Some carbohydrates, particularly processed carbohydrates which are derived from white flour, such as white bread and pasta, contain calories that are less useful, given their low nutritional value. Instead boxers should eat natural carbohydrates such as yams, beans, whole-wheat grain, fruits and oatmeal, which are packed full of useful nutrients. Because carbohydrates are such effective sources of energy, boxers should eat more of them than any other foodstuff. Dieticians recommend that 45 - 55 percent of a boxer's diet should be made up of carbohydrates. For example, out of a daily diet that consists of 4000 calories, 1800 to 2200 calories of those should be derived from carbohydrates, roughly equating to 550 grams in weight. Protein - boxers often experience small tears in their muscles after a fight, causing them to feel tired and sore, so it is crucial that enough protein is included in their daily diet. Protein works to repair muscles and increase muscle growth, preventing long lasting damage but it also acts as a further energy source, preventing the body from using its much-valued muscle for energy. Chicken, tuna, eggs and lean beef are all good sources of protein as are protein drinks (such as 'Accelerade' or 'Rapid Recovery') although these should only be taken by those engaged in a serious and intensive training routine. For concentrated muscle increase, boxers should consume a protein drink during training sessions and another shake immediately after training. Dieticians recommend that protein should make up 30 to 40 percent of the boxer's daily diet. Fats - whilst excessive fat consumption can cause unwanted weight gain and should be avoided, boxers do need some fats to maintain important internal bodily functions. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats, also known as essential fats or fatty acids, are both needed for the production of prostaglandins, a type of hormone which keeps the body in working order. Seafood or walnuts are ideal sources of omega fat or alternatively flaxseed oil and cod liver oil can be taken as healthy supplements which are purified of the contaminants often found in fish. The body also needs monounsaturated fats which are found in food such as olives, seeds and avocado. Dieticians recommend that boxers should ensure that 15 percent of their daily diet is made up of essential and monounsaturated fats. Good fats absorb certain vitamins essential for a healthy body, so keeping fat intake to lower than 15 percent is likely only to have a harmful effect. Water - water is essential for staying healthy and energized, particularly in a strenuous sport such as boxing where it is easy to become dehydrated. Boxers should ensure that 8 - 10 glasses of water are included in their daily diet, increasing their water consumption during a fight." Basically:

CARBS - 45-55% of diet PROTEIN - 30-40% of diet FATS - 15% of diet

"What not to eat The following foods are all high in fat and sugar content and although they may provide the boxer with high bursts of energy, they are short-lasting energy sources and will cause the boxer to feel tired, sluggish and to put on unwanted weight. For this reason they should be avoided as far as possible: Fried foods Fast food/ takeaways Food high in sugar e.g. sweets and fizzy drinks Saturated fat Processed food" ALL OF THIS INFO WAS TAKEN FROM TALK BOXING.NET

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12y ago

Boxing is healthy , as as the boxers go to the jim daily they build muscles and stamina , so they are very healthy indeed.

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