One morning when Ali was absorbed in prayer in a mosque, Ibn-Muljim stabbed him with a poisoned sword. On the 20th of Ramadan, 40 A.H., died the great Companion. -wikipedia
Khalifa Ahmed Al Bin Ali died in 2006.
Isa ibn Ali Al Khalifa died in 1932.
Khalifa Ahmed Al Bin Ali was born in 1936.
Isa ibn Ali Al Khalifa was born in 1848.
Salman Ebrahim Mohamed Ali Al Khalifa was born on 1979-07-24.
Ali bin Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa is the Deputy Prime Minister for Bahrain.
mavia is a leader of muslims. who fought with Mola ALi a.s sevral times. he is the anemy of Ali .as . he does not like Ali a.s as a khalifa.
Khalifa - mansa - died in 1275.
Khalifa Alqattan died in 2003.
The 1st Khalifa : Abu Bakr El Seddeeq . The 2nd Khalifa : Omar Ibn El Khatab . The 3rd Khalifa : Othman Ibn Affaan . The 4th Khalifa : Ali Ibn Aby Taleb .
there were and are many Islamic leaders. the main ones are PROPHET MUHAMMAD- the most important leader abu bakr- 1st khalifa umar- 2nd khalifa uthman-3rd khalifa ali- 4th khalifa