I think ryu became evil due to the power of the satsui no hadou that oni has, oni passed it on to ryu making ryu evil, i might be wrong but thats what i think happened, hope i helped
Because Ryu had a fight with Akuma in which akuma put his fist though his heart releasing all the dark hado in his heart. Transforming him into Evil ryu.
Evil Ryu isn't confirmed yet, but due to the large amount of similarity between him & Akuma, plus the large amount of fan-hype for the "Evil Ryu VS Devil Jin" match-up, I wouldn't be suprised if Evil Ryu was indeed Akuma's partner. So until Evil Ryu's finally confirmed, GO SATSUI NO HADOU MY FRIEND.
Evil Ryu appears in Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition.
Evil Ryu is a character in Ultra Street Fighter 4. His power lies in his axe kick, and he has excellent fireball start-up and recovery.
theres lots of them shin akuma shin vega akuma m bison sagat ken ryu birdie zangief evil ryu super ryu
No he is not. Evil Ryu is only present in Street Fighter Alpha 2,3, and Capcom vs SNK 1 and 2
no unless its arcade edition
no, only on super street fighter 4 arcade edition
yes but hide in the screen of the players
Ryu is the main protagonist and both Akuma and M. Bison are antagonists.
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Evil Ryu - Get a character up to levl 31 in tour mode, then play the bonus round in Japan, beat him to keep him Guile - Get a character to levl 31 in World Tour, then beat his bonus stage Shin Akuma - Get a character up to Level 32 in tour mode (MAX LEVEL) face him in the same place as E. Ryu, PS. The Last Bonus Stage; 4 Ryu's 1 Evil Ryu 4 Akumas 1 Shin Akuma (F*****g HARD he can thrown 2 hadokens in the air, i recommend ryu or ken for this challenge