It could do, depending on how badly their issues are!
He meant that karate was not something to use due to the anger you could feel in your gut.
Yes, Brenda Sung did take Karate. She originaly wanted to join dance classes. But she ended up joining Karate with her Brother, who now no longer takes Karate classes.
No he was a full time in boxing and never did karate.
There are two VERY effective ways to relieve anger or stress and they are to:Go outside and scream your anger away or to;Breathe deeply for 20 seconds.NEVER cry away stress/anger. Get a punching bag and beat the hell out of it. This is called redirection. You can also do push ups till you cant do any more. If you have problems with anger management. Take a tai chi class, or try karate or aikido classes. All 3 have the relaxation techniques that will destroy any anger problems. Yoga and aikido worked for me.
Dreaming about karate means that u probably need some special help or ur trying to take out all ur anger of someone u really don't like, it dosent accually mean anything it means that u just have to confront ur fears and not be scared of letting them out.
There are no age limits in karate. People can start their journey at any age.
Yes. The level of mental and physical strength/skills greatly influence your karate
a dojo
You can take a bath
Yes you can take GCSE Karate as part of your Phys Ed GCSE Course Check with KUGB on this link