Deontay Wilder was born on October 22, 1985
Deontay Wilder was born on October 22, 1985
Deontay Wilder will fight again on 31st May 2014.
Deontay Wilder lives and trains in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where he is nicknamed "The Bronze Bomber." He has called this city his home for most of his life and is known for being deeply connected to his community.
the most is 3 million per fight
Deontay Wilder defeated Bermane Stiverne won in a unanimous decision on Saturday, January 17th, 2015 in Las Vegas. Wilder was in total control for most of the fight, winning 120-107, 119-108 and 118-109 as he went past four rounds for the first time in his career.
The first book that Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote was Little House in the big woods.
In the Big Woods of Pepin, Wisconsin. As it says in her book Little House in the Big Woods. Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in Pepin, Wisconsin on February 7, 1867.
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura and Almanzo Wilder purchased their big house in Mansfield, Missouri using money Laura made from writing her "Little House" book series. They named the house Rocky Ridge Farm.