The highest available is 10th Dan. Some styles do not go above 8th Dan.
Karate is divided into kyu and dan rankings. Kyu is everything up to the 1st Kuy, right below black belt. The traditional styles of karate have 10 dan rankings. Typically there is only one 10th degree in each style.
The 10th Dan is the highest ranking. There are many dozens of different styles. Typically each style only has a single 10th Dan. They are considered the head of their style.Read more: Who_is_the_highest_person_in_karate
A Dan represents everlasting and you will soon be a master.
You would find the listings in many of the karate histories. The book Okinawan Karate: Teachers, Styles and Secret Techniques by Mark Bishop provides hundreds of senior practitioners and their lineage.
Dan Ivan is a famous karate martial artist that has no information online.
Japan Karate Association's motto is 'Keepers of Karate's Highest Tradition'.
he was the first 10 dan in Britain who did karate
In shotokan karate, the 9th kyu grade is orange belt, after the 8th kyu grade, red. But this will vary according the the particular school of karate, some schools not using a red belt at all in their system. In some styles the red belt indicates 9th or 10th Dan, which is as high as you can go.
Each style of karate sets its own rules and promotions. In some styles, dark blue is the highest rank. A style could set the brown belt as the highest, but most use the black belt. In traditional karate, the highest possible belt is red.