The rating for the new Kelley Vision What_is_the_ratings_for_the_Kelley_vision_baseball_batis 1.14997 which is the closest to the USSSA 1.15 on the market. This bat is unbelievable and I highly advise to get this bat if your thinking of purchasing one.
Yes in Survivor Nicaragua Purple Kelly and Naonka both quit Ion the SAME night
yes aaron will win American idol!! he is the best 16 year old singer anyone has ever herd!! well atleast i think so!! and anyone who doesnt there crazy!! I LOVE U AARON KELLY!!!<3(: AND ALWAYSWILL
Have you ever seen her if you didnt she is.
no he didn't ever like her he is with mickie james.
no your gay
Yes, have you ever seen red spots in your vision?
No.But Drew and Kelly are married Drew is married to Tiffany not Kelly. Kelly is dating Justin Gabriel
No but Kelly is hoping to meet her.