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Nu-uh. But SHE lifted MANY people.

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Q: Has any diva ever lifted Beth phoenix?
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Yes In 2006 and 2008

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(2012) the strongest diva in wwe is Beth Phoenix.the strongest wwe diva ever is Chyna.Personally, I think 'The Glamazon' Beth Phoenix is the strongest due to her massive physique and she can lift off any diva over her head.But some are divas like Natalya, Kaitlyn, Tamina are also very strong physically.

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No. Beth Phoenix has never done Porn.

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In order for him to be cheating on her they would have to be dating they broke up six months ago, therefore no he is not nor did he ever cheat on her!!

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well I would say yes but that's only because have you ever seen a fat chick on wwe? have you? and I don't mean just today with all the drugs but there was never a fat woman in the wwe in wwe history

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She easily can...... Beth Phoenix is much stronger than avarage wrestlers like Rey mysterio, Santino Marella, Dolph Ziggler etc.... Her biceps r much bigger than some superstars,,,,, so i belive she easily can

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no which wrestler would attack a diva