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it has been proven that his punch, in in fact equally as painful as being hit in the face with a sledgehammer.

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Q: Frank Bruno punch measure
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The cast of Skull Punch - 2012 includes: Leon Cain as Ben Jamie Dunn as Frank Henry Nixon as Vincent

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easily frank lampard because steven Gerrard got in a punch up and nearly killed a disjokey boo hiss

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A decibel is a measure of sound intensity. Punches are normally measured for speed or force, I've never heard of anyone measuring a punch for its sound intensity.

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The cast of The Man with the Punch - 1920 includes: Ben Corbett as Snake Harris Jim Corey as Sheriff Jeff Sellers Hoot Gibson as The Stranger Charles Newton as Frank Lane

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To measure the mass of your arm, you can weigh yourself on a scale and then weigh yourself again while holding your arm out. The difference in weight represents the approximate mass of your arm. Keep in mind that the force of your punch is more influenced by the speed and technique rather than just the mass of your arm.

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The force of a boxer's punch can vary depending on the technique, speed, and strength of the boxer. Professional heavyweight boxers have been recorded punching with a force of over 1,300 pounds (590 kg), which can be enough to knock someone out.

What is a homograph for to strike or a party fruit drink?

friut punch ( punch)

What is a punch in Korean?

punch in Korean is punch.