Of course not! It actually makes one more knowledgeable and smarter about how the body works.
Combat that involves blows to the head can have an affect to the intelligence.
IQ, brainpower, acumen, brilliance, brightness, agility, brains
Yes,but that boy must have a good IQ.
Sorry verbal iQ is 96. not 9
Your IQ is your intelligence quotient. You can determine your IQ by taking a certain test. :)
Yes, your IQ can increase.
my IQ is 169
Stalin had 140 IQ
do an IQ test
The IQ is 86.
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 IQ
Take a valid IQ test or some sort of standarized test that corresponds to your IQ.
below average iq, iq means Intelligence quotient. an average iq is 85 - 115