Correct type of stretching will definitely help develop speed. Reciprocal Inhibition of the Antagonist muscle with its Agonist.
Ideal Tension Length relationship between Agonist
and Antagonist will produce the best contraction, this is not to say a Olympic Weight lifter needs to be supple or flexible he or she only needs to have the correct length /Tension between Agonist
and Antagonist of Primary movers for specific sport. Stretching at the wrong time or the incorrect muscle for a given sport will hinder performance. Have you ever noticed for example a 100 meter sprinter will stretch their Hamstrings at the starting blocks but never their quadriceps? This is because it would prevent optimal contraction of this very powerful group of leg muscles.
It is best to seek a expert to prevent incorrect stretching protocol.
No, a universal joint does not increase speed. Its primary function is to allow flexibility in the drivetrain to transmit power between shafts that are not in a straight line.
Soft tissue that contributes to flexibility is altered in a program to increase flexibility. People's interest in flexibility training dates back to the early 1900's.
just one exercise can increase flexibility in a body and that is only all kind of physical exercise ,,
Try the following exercises to improve your running form, stride length, strength, flexibility, muscle memory and explosiveness--which means faster race times.
Wider spans of control are consistent with recent efforts by companies to reduce costs cut overhead speed up decision making increase flexibility get closer to customers and empower employees. Wider spans of control has been the trend of recent years.
A+ answer is FLEXIBILITY
Agility is flexibility, speed and nimbleness.
The ability of a firm to quickly increase or decrease its production rate and still be profitable.
Martial arts.Did it for myself.
It will have increase in speed with increase in time