Excuse me, But there is a hell where people get thrown in when they have died and been bad. On the day of judgment A certain Muslim god will be there judging what you have done in life and there are two books where you did good deads in your life and one where you did bad things in your life, The Muslim god will see which one has more pages and he will decide if you go hevaen(A beautiful paradise) or wheather you go HELL(A scary horrifying place where there is firewhere you will be thrown in.
Belive it or not ,You will find out on Judgment Day.
Truth Teller
That is a difficult question to answer. Every religion has a hell so it is reasonable to say it does exist. If so many different opinions coincide on this particular subject then it is likely to be true. However, Every condition of hell is different so it depends which one you believe. Looked at from an atheist point of view, every one has their own personal hell some where in their mind. Even though it is only a figment of your imagination you still had to dream it up, and so it is real in a sense. overall i would say that it depends on your point of view.I personally believe that there is a hell.
hope that helped and wasn't too confusing. =]
I'm quite new at this, so I don't know why I can't post my own answer instead of editing someone else's. I do not think the question is difficult to answer. Imagine a similar question: is there such a place as Santa's secret village? I would have to say no, because there is not a shred of evidence in favor. If we have no evidence, then we don't have any reason to believe. We all use this logic when it comes to Santa's village, wizard's castle, fairy's garden, but hell is somehow different in our minds. Well it shouldn't be. There is no evidence indicating hell's existence, so hell does not exist anymore than Santa's village exists. Further more on the previous answer, the existence of hell, or the existence of anything, is objective, meaning not affected by anyone's subjective belief. Also, opinions coinciding on a subject says nothing of its truth value. Everyone believed the earth was flat in the old days, and we were utterly wrong.
An agnostic is unlikely to believe in hell. An atheist will definitely not believe in hell because belief in hell is as irrational as belief in deities and supernatural beings.
Well it depends if you believe in hell.
Yes, Christians believe in heaven and hell.
catholics believe that you can be prayed out of hell, and that you wait in pergatory. no
The christian church recognizes the existence of hell. If you believe in God you believe in hell. Don't worry, though if you believe in God, he is Almighty and Forgiving.
No they don't believe in hell or heaven! They believe in reincarnation! That you may born as animal or insects
Most religions believe in being damned to hell, including Christians, and Mormons. Hell is an important part of religion, because you will be damned to hell if you don't believe in and follow Jesus and his teachings.
No. The first people to believe in Hell as a place of punishment were the Zoroastrians.
Yes, Hell (Narak, Naraka )
No, they believe in reincarnation.
They do.
i guess if you believe in hell, maybe. it depends