they repel. opposites attract!
The strong smell of garlic can help repel mosquitoes.
They repel.
Repel's population is 65.
Thatch is made by bundling together long, stiff reeds. The thatch is then tied down to the roof rafters so as to repel water. This works pretty well, lasts a long time, and is cozy. The down sides are that it is very expensive today, and it is said to be a place where vermin can live.
Atheists always repel the sayings about the existence of God. Magnetic poles repel each other Electric charges repel each other. Always repel the usage of drugs.
No, magnets do not repel sharks.
like poles repel because North to south attract and North to north repel
Water and oil repel each other.
"Repel" means "push away".