Other than the cast you'll wear for a couple of months (and perhaps some pins, which are sometimes temporarily inserted to stabilize the fracture), you should be fine.
A boxer's fracture is also commonly referred to as a "brawler's fracture" or a "bar room fracture."
Boxers. Boxers get the most that's why there is a fracture called a boxer fracture.
A "boxers" fracture generally refers to a fracture of the metacarpal bones-more commonly the fith metacarpal anywhere between mid shaft and the distal(knuckle) end of the the bone.
boxer's fracture, 5th and 4th metacarpal neck
A common fracture of the fifth metacarpal bone of the hand is often referred to as the "Boxer's Fracture." The fifth metacarpal is the bone in the hand that attaches to the pinky finger.
It would depend on the boxer.
The boxer. He collaborated with the makers of this film which was actually based on his life as a boxer.
This condition places the person at greater fracture risk, especially of the hip, and of the vertebrae.
people who are very careless of coarse
I seriously doubt it, but it will depend on the severity of the fracture. A boxer's fracture is defined as a break through the bones of the hand that form the knuckles (usually the head of the metacarpal). Some doctors use the term "brawler's fracture" rather than "boxer's fracture" because a boxer is not likely to get this injury. The less well-trained brawlers have to learn how to punch without hurting themselves. Using a broken hand that is not properly immobilized can cause damage to surrounding muscles, blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, and nerves. When a boxer's fracture occurs, it is possible for a portion of the metacarpal bone to move out of normal alignment. This is called angulation. The amount of angulation will determine what type of treatment is required to ensure proper healing. People with boxer's fractures who have acceptable amounts of angulation may be splinted in the emergency department or doctor's office. Any degree of angulation in the second or third metacarpal bones is considered abnormal and requires referral to a hand specialist for possible surgical repair. Boxer's fractures of the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones only require surgery if large degrees of angulation are present and the bones cannot be moved into the correct place by pulling and pushing on them.
During a Boxer's whole life, she can have two litters a year after the age of around nine months.