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Q: Do some females like to lift little men?
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Why do girls like boys instead of girls liking girls?

Some females do like females and some females like males. Everybody is different and nobody really knows what defines the gender your attracted to, it will be something to do with your bodies Chemistry though.

How do hippos talk to each other?

Hippos talk to each other by opening there mouth and like screaming out like a little voice. The males talk louder then the females because the females have soft voices.

Why do some females feel lesbinish?

because they like girls not guys

Do guys like when a girl gags?

some males do like it if and when you gag. But remember that most females are prolonged to that. Most females will turn you down if you ask for that kind of favor.

If a baby guppy has a dot at the base of its tail does it mean it's a male?

Not neccessarilly (some females have a little colour and dot like markings) although it is a bit of an indication that the fish may be a male.

Are there more males or more females?

The human population contains more males than females at a rate of 101 males to 100 females. It is generally the case however in western countries that there are more females as females have a longer life expectancy.

I like females with forearm hair so do females mind having forearm hair?

Probably. It is a fact that some men like it, however it is usually found on fat girls.

Why do some men get breasts like women?

because they are soft and cuddly, and if we sometimes lick or bite the nipple females like it

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the largest eagles, such as the harpy eagle can lift a sloth, or up to 3/4 of its body weight.However some eagles can lift up things like pigs and goats

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What is the problem when my period is almost completely brown with little red for two days with mild constant cramping low near cervix though little to no blood is flowing anymore?

This might be because your period is ending for the month or some females start their periods like that and then have heavy blood flows.

What does Madagascar clothing look like?

both males and females wear some thing called lamba