Don't know I don't wear any >i feels like underwear.... do u wear any??< by: XxthizizanimeluvxX
Wear underwear fit to your body or not bunched in any areas. You don't need to get a wedgie while running or working out! All you need are regular underwear.
Generally any color.
Matadores was created in 2006.
none he doesn't wear underwear!!!!!!!!!!! none he doesn't wear underwear!!!!!!!!!!!
Rainclouds don't wear any clothes at all! No they wear underwear that is like a diaper then they take it off squish all the rain out then it rains down on us!!
Don't wear any underwear.
Yes. You should wear underwear!!
It has been scientifically proven that underwear are beneficial to people who have to sneeze while they have diarrhea.
Any type of underwear that are in the marketplace are safe to wear. It is really a personal preference for the different styles.
Wearing underwear is not a strict necessity for men, but it is generally recommended for hygiene and comfort reasons. Underwear provides support and protection for the genitals, helps absorb sweat, and prevents chafing. However, some men may choose not to wear underwear for personal preference or cultural reasons. Ultimately, the decision to wear underwear is a personal choice based on individual comfort and needs.