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no he duznt wear a wig, how silly do u think he is. and anyway, it would be impossible to wear a wig witout the high risk of it coming off with all the moving around he does in the ring.

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yes and kane have hair now

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Q: Did the undertaker shave his head bald?
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How do you make yourself bald?

Shave your head?

What is the best way to become bald?

Shave your head.

What causes a bald head?

cancer can cause it, you can just shave y our head, or you could wear a bald cap

How much is it worth to sell 6 inches of your hair?

For all 6 inches of hair on your head it is worth about £15 but if you shave your head BALD and you are a girl you get about £20 so if you are a girl shave you head bald.

What is fetish head shave?

It is when people are attracted to watching people shave their head. In other words they like people with who are bald.

I am NOT going to shave my head so can I get rid of my cowlick?

Shave your head completely. If you're bald, you will not have to worry ever again about cowlicks :)

Did jimmy kimmel shave Justin bieber's head bald?

No, it was a prank.

Why are surenos bald?

Not all Surenos are bald, as far as the one's that are bald it's cause they choose to shave their heads but it's not a requirement that u have to shave ur head to be a Surenos or anything, it's just a choice.

Why did queen Nefertiti shave her head?

She shaved her head bald, because she was afraid that she would get lice or cancer.

Is lilwayne really bald?

of course he bald they made hym shave his head cuz he got to go to prison in feb@!**&^

Are there any causes that you can shave your head to support?

There are no causes that would benefit from my being bald.

When did Justin Bieber shave his head?

i believe he did cus i was on the computer or something and i saw that his head was bald i was sadHe never did!