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Minor injuries but nothing serious. Following WrestleMania, both The Undertaker and Triple H were fined for violating WWE's policy prohibiting protected and/or unprotected chair shots to the head.

They were not fined for anything.

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13y ago
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14y ago

The short answer is, No. The Undertaker and Kane have a buried alive match and Kane always wins. Then the Undertaker goes out "Hurt", but in reality he is on vacation. It has happened many times in the past. Then, 'Taker comes back and the cycle starts over.

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15y ago

his neck was injured at Wrestlemania XXV when he flew overw the top rope and his head connected with the concrete floor. He also injured a cameraman in the process

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Q: Did the undertaker from WWE get hurt?
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Undertaker suffered a broken orbit bone and broken nose, so according to Teddy Long and Kane Undertaker is not really dead.

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no the undertaker is in the wwe.

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Where is dead man really what happened to undertaker if there is no undertaker in WWE you will stop watching WWE?

He is in a coma

Will undertaker come to wwe?

The Undertaker is currently with the WWE and is on a break. He should be returning very soon

When will undertaker come to WWE?

The Undertaker will be coming back to WWE Monday February 21 2011

Who is mark calaway?

the undertaker He is a wrestler from the WWE The Undertaker.

Did undertaker go to raw?

If you are talking about wwe's 2009 draft then no!

Why the undertaker left WWE 2010?

Undertaker is on leave from WWE due to an injury. He is in talks of returning in 2011.

Did undertaker and hbk came in wwf or WWE same year?

hbk was in the wwe before undertaker.hbk was in the wwe 5 years before undertaker was.