No. Pharaoh's dead is still lying in the Museum of Egyptian capital Cairo. It is clearly stated in Holy Quran as "This day shall We save thee in the body, that thou mayest be a sign to those who come after thee! but verily, many among mankind are heedless of Our Signs!" Sura10 Jonah: 92.
a term used to express the word hell... hell is the opposite of heaven and the said place to go if you die and don't go to heaven. a term used to express the word hell... hell is the opposite of heaven and the said place to go if you die and don't go to heaven.
That depends on what your view of hell is. If hell is the place of fiery torment, then you've come to the right place! Hell, it is believed by Catholics etc, is where you go if you've led a bad life - a place of eternal fiery torment. However, purgatory is like a crossroad between heaven and hell - a bit like a junction where you go when you die. Your good deeds and bad deeds are compared and it is "decided" whether you go to heaven or hell.
From the fiery pits of Hell. More directly Depth 6 of Hell.
Well, darling, in Norwegian, you can tell someone to go to hell by saying "dra til helvete." Just make sure to say it with a smile and a wink to really drive the point home. Good luck with your fiery conversations!
It is only the hand of God
It depends on how you use the word. If you're like "Hell is a fiery place" then that's ok. If you're like "WHAT THE HELL" then it is considered a cuss word.
If you are a Republican, it is pure, undiluted, fiery hell. If you're a Democrat... it ain't bad.
The word; Hell, in the Christian bible is translated from the word Hades. Hades literally translated means, the common grave of all dead. So if looked at from that aspect, yes all people will go to hell. We will all die eventually, thereby being dead, we are in the common state of the grave. Hell is not a place of fiery torment but the state of being dead.
a rebellious person can be fiery inside a fiery person can be up-start and a go-getter, but they don't have to be rebellious. Ex. a goalkeeper in soccer should be fiery but not rebellious
I'm not quite sure. But when it comes to Hell, I'd focus less on what it's like and focus more on what it is - an eternity away from God.
Jehovah's Witnesses believe 'hell' is literally the grave. Therefore all who die go to the grave or hell. However they do not believe that hell is a place of everlasting torment, fiery or not.They believe that all who die before Armageddon will be resurrected back to earth for another chance to prove themselves worthy of everlasting life on a Paradise earth as they believe was the original intention at Eden.All those who die at Armageddon will not have another chance.
Past the desert if you go west you should find a cave that's fiery path.