Unless you are talking about when he was buried alive by the Undertaker, in real life, no; the Ultimate Warrior collapsed in a parking lot on 2014 April 8.
The Ultimate Warrior, James Brian Hellwig, died in real life on 2012 April 8.Ultimate Warrior died on April 8, 2014.
Gideon Sundback's death was actually caused by a condition.
he died after he lifted up Andre the giant his stems inside the body stopped
The Ultimate Warrior, a professional wrestler, passed away in 2014 due to cardiovascular disease. He collapsed while walking from his hotel to his car with his wife.
Clyde Warrior died in 1968.
Big Warrior died in 1826.
The term Die Hard Fans means her fans are willing to do anything just to see her
He did not die it was hawk
he didnt..
like a warrior = wie ein Krieger
Road Warrior Hawk died on 2003-10-19.