Yes He defianatly will win because a gift will come to rey xmas Night V Undertaker
No one he got injured in his match with Rey mysterio
Yeah in a no disqualifaication match but then The Deadman,The Undertaker came to beat up Kane!
i thing rey quickness can beat up the big show so i thing rey mysterio is better
No he did not win because Undertaker beat him up............IN A VERY BAD WAY(poor Rey)!!!
No Rey Mysterio Jr. is not Rey Mysterio. Rey Mysterio is the one who trained rey mysterio Jr. Rey Mysterio is rey myserio Jr.'s uncle You are partly right in that Rey Mysterio, Sr. did train Rey Mysterio, Jr. BUT Rey Mysterio, Jr. has dropped the Jr. off of his name is known as Rey Mysterio. So in that regard you are wrong.
In reality Undertaker was never attacked. It is just a storyline to cover up the fact that he was injured in his match with Rey Mysterio. As for the WWE storyline goes I don't really know attacked him.
no one.. he got injured while in a match with rey mysterio. with him out for a while and having a chance in the fatal four way, they came up with the storyline
he was angry and he wanted to beat up cris jerico and edge he loved batista that is his lover bye bye now
Rey Mysterio doesnt really have a meaning. They just made up "Mysterio" because he wears a mask and they are trying to say he is mysterious. Get it?
There isn't an episode with Ray Mysterio in it, but Kenny dresses up as Ray Mysterio in the episode W.T.F.
Rey mysterio's myspace is I know it's his one because it shows a pic of him holding up a sign saying You're looking at the one and only rey mysterio on my space
Rey Mysterio is on, or