He was sentenced to 5 years in jail, but appealed the conviction and never served a day in jail. He lose 3 plus years of being inactive during the prime of his boxing career.
He did go to jail for 10 days when he was caught "driving without a license."
Technically yes he has, It was during the draft of the Vietnam war I believe, He refuses to join and was stripped of his title and thrown into jail. In jail he converted his faith to Muslim and then changed his name to Muhammad Ali, who was previously Casius Clay.
That's the jail next to Draynor Village (east of the village).
Yes he did go to jail.
Yes he did go to jail but not for a bad reason!
No he didn't go to jail it was just a storyline
refused to go to vietman war and had drugs
no there is no evidence that he has been to jail
Did the rock ever go to jail
I don't believe she ever went to jail.