Muhammad Ali went to Louisville Central High School. Unfortuately, he dropped out.
Ali barely graduated from Louisville Central High, a local Basketball power, finishing 369th of 391 seniors in the class of 1960, and often traveling to fight on weekends. A principal named Atwood argued in his favor, stating to his colleagues that the boy should be given a Certificate of Attendance, given that " day he'll be making more money than everyone in this room.
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Ali dropped out of Louisville Central High, a local basketball power, finishing 369th of 391 seniors in the class of 1960, and often travelling to fight on weekends.
Answerhe went to louisville Kentucky high and barely graduatedMuhammad Ali dropped out of Louisville Central High, a local basketball power, finishing 369th of 391 seniors in the class of 1960, and often traveling to fight on weekends.
Muhammad Ali was a boxer and he had dropped out of his central high school.
Probably Physical Education
Muhammad Ali married to Sonji Roi in 1964 Muhammad Ali married to Belinda Boyd in 1967 Muhammad Ali married to Veronica Porché Ali in 1977 Muhammad Ali married to Yolanda Williams in 1986
Muhammad ali
Muhammad Ali.
No, Muhammad Ali is not single.
Ali Nasir Muhammad was born in 1939.
Muhammad Ali
is Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali is more famous in terms of boxing
Muhammad Ali's brother's name is 50 cent
Columbia Gym was Muhammad Ali gym as a kid