Really? Chuck Norris did not invent martial arts.
Chuck Norris.
chuck Norris
No, he just studied martial art.
Chuck Norris learned Tang Soo Do while stationed in Korea with the US Air Force.
Are you talking about a fight. In that case it would be Chuck Norris. Unless Tebow knows martial arts. But a fight would go to Chuck.
no chuck norris is ginger and he plays world at warcraft a mmorpg and i love stowballs and charlie ovy lawrence
Chuck Norris is an American martial artist and actor. He opened a chain of martial arts schools and competed in martial arts tournaments. He appeared in a lot of "tough guy" movies. So that part is true. However, because of his tough guy image, Norris became the object of an ironic internet meme known as "Chuck Norris Facts", which documents fictional, often absurdly heroic feats and characteristics about Norris.
Not according to Chuck Norris. He greatly respected Bruce Lee and there was no question in his mind that Bruce could beat him in a match. However, Mr. Norris has done a great deal of good for the martial arts community and certainly ranks high on the list of great martial artists.
No they were born 13th degree black belts in all martial arts.
Chuck Norris's very own martial art, chun-kuk-do.
He was in the movie "Way of the Dragon" with Bruce Lee.