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Cell fractionation is basically just the breaking open of cells and separation of contents.

You can usually do it by grinding or in a blender if cells are big, or by freezing which liquid nitrogen which causes cell contents to expand and break open. All this is usually done at a buffered Ph and cold temperature to prevent damage to whatever protein or molecule in the cell one may be studying.

After all the contents are free they are usually separated by centrifugation and a series of purification steps, after which you can search for your molecule of interest using chromatography, gels, etc.

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Q: Describe the technique and purpose of cell fractionation?
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The technique of cell fractionation is 1st, cells are broken to pieces (in a special blender); the broken cell bits are added to a liquid and placed in a tube, which is inserted into a centrifuge, which then spins the tube, sea pertains most cell parts; most dense parts will settle at the bottom, and a biologist can then remove the specific part of the cell, needed to be studied And the purpose is to obtain a pure sample of part of the original whole, such as mitochondria, plasma membranes, DNA or RNA, soluble proteins or even specific macromolecules (:

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