yes you CAN. But do you really want to? it is an electric grill after all. quality versus charcoal?
There are about 207 calories in 3oz of cooked sirloin.
George Foreman's birth name is George Edward Foreman.
All of George Foreman's kids names are George Foreman.
George Foreman was born on January 10, 1949.
He has his daughters who are named Natalie, Michi, Leona, Freeda George and Georgetta Then he has his sons who are named George Edward Foreman, George Edward Foreman Jr, George Edward Foreman the third, George Edward Foreman the 4th, George Edward Foreman the 5th, George Edward Foreman the 6th.
George Foreman was born on January 10, 1949
george foreman lives in Houston,Tx.
George Foreman goes by Big George, and The Heywood Giant.
George Foreman was born on January 10, 1949.
George Foreman was born on January 10, 1949
George Foreman was born January 10, 1949 in Marshall, Texas.
George Foreman - footballer - was born on 1914-03-01.