There is going the be a (strecher match) (table match) (ladder match)(hell in a cell) (steel cage) (backstage) (locker room) (scramble) (ironmatch)
Sorry there is not an I Quit match but lets hope it will be in 2011!.
can't count its about 70 superstars and legends and divas..go to this site:thesmackdownhotel.comand click roster..
Kelly kelly, Beth Phoenix, Layla, Mickie James, maria, Candice , Michelle mccool, Melina, Ashley, jillian hall, those are the divas on SvR 2009. not all the divas that they said
Win five Divas-only 1-on-1 matches with any Diva / WWE Universe.
stupid it didnt come out yet
svr 2011 is normal svr 2011 limited edition has the downloadable code for bret hart
Table match, Inferno match, First Blood, Last Man Standing, Tag team, Tornado tag, ECW extreme rules match.
Yeah it should be and they also might put superstar threads for ps2
SvR 2011 because it has more realistic gameplay than SvR 2010..I rate 6.2 for SvR 2010 and 7.1 for SvR 2011
he's not in svr 2011
You can't. In one of the RTWMs in SVR 2010 you could, but unfortunately you can't in SVR 2011.