

Best Answer
  1. Budokan Karate Acadamy
  2. goju ruy karatte school

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Q: Are there any martial arts instructors in Jamshedpur?
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Related questions

Can you start learning kung-fu when you are 18?

Martial arts can be started at any age. Some of the best instructors I know didn't begin until they were in their 40's.

Are there any british martial arts?

Martial Arts originated in the orient. Britain has adapted some Martial Arts, but has none of its own origin. Unless you count boxing.

Do girl like martial arts?

Yes, girls and women seek out Martial Arts training for any reasons, including the original reason for having invented the martial arts: self defense.

What are the names of the weapons used in martial arts?

If it is a weapon, it can be found in the martial arts. The skills and mental attitude related to the use of any weapon is a martial art.

How do people make martial arts fight scenes?

They actually use there mixed martial arts in scenes but not use any power for injury.

Does every culture have their own style of martial arts?

Every culture that has gone to war or been involved in a fight has a martial art. Martial arts refer to any skills used in combat, so use of sword, gun and weapons are martial arts.

What is a good martial arts workout?

Kickboxing, karate, taekwondo, or any grappling martial art.

Who needs martial arts insurance?

Martial arts insurance is to cover schools, tournaments, and individual trainers of the martial arts. It's a liability insurance in case something happens, such as injury, to cover any costs that may incur.

Can cracking your fingers affect your martial arts?

No, it will not affect your martial arts. There have been no proven studies that cracking joints will have any long term affects.

What is the importance of martial arts?

The importance of martial arts. That is a very complicated question. Martial arts is about discipline, respect, and self-control. Generally doing any martial arts also increases your self esteem and ability to defend yourself. Depending on the art, you will also get very flexible. There have been many studies showing martial arts increases, on average, a persons spirituality and health.

Are there any books on the History and Philosophy of Martial Arts of the World?

I have noticed that there is quite a selection of martial arts books at Borders found in the sports section. Many different martial arts are coverered as are the various aspects of each, including philosophy. There are also books that are a collection of information on the various martial arts in the world.

What kind of Martial Arts should you start practicing if you've never done any before?

You short start with karate if you have never done any kind of martial arts before.