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It is just a matter of opinion but without a dout now dat trish nd lita r gone mickie is the shining diva star in the company at da moment.Melina is da top heel at da moment wiv jillian hall,Victoria,Beth phoenix jst behnd her!mickie is da top fce even thou Candice hs improvd dramatically,sh still is da top diva even thou she waz champ,dat does not mean ur da bst it signifys wat da creatve team want.Melina still botchs bt mickies skils r wthout a doubt da best wiv Beth,Victoria,jillian,Michelle,Candice,torrie,kristal,maria,Ashley,leyla,brooke, kelly nd if ne body else gts clld up 2 da main rostr will prob b near da top of da list!bt 2 answer ur question mickie is da bttr diva snce sh has been Wrestling da top divas (trish,lita sh had propr long fueds wiv dem)longr thn mi opinion MICKIE IS DA BEST!i luv everyfing abot her,Melina hs a gud heel personality thou!GO MICKIE WIN DA TITLE AGAN!

Mickie is a way better wresteler than Melina opanyk..She had 8 years of experience.On YouTube type in Alexis Laree and you will see her in the old days. Mickie James is as good as trish because she beat trish!

No they are not. Trish Stratus is one of the greatest female wrestlers ever not just for her titles but also for her ability in the ring. Melina and Mickie are getting better and maybe one day they will be on the same level but right now it is not even close, Trish is far better.

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12y ago

I don't understand the point of this question. Do you really need someone else to tell you Mickie is stronger than Melina. Look at Mickie's thigh muscles and her biceps and then look at Melina. Mickie isn't just stronger than Melina, she is FAR stronger

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Q: Are Mickie James and Melina as good as wrestlers as Trish Stratus?
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