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to make it look like an intelligent sport

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Q: Why is the NFL so complicated?
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Why does architect have to be so complicated?

if you thinh about it it may seem very complicated but its not that complicated then you think its not always so complicatedso yes it is a bit complicated when i try to explain it dont you think?

How do you say 'why is life so complicated' in German?

Why is life so complicated translates as warum ist das Leben so kompliziert.

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they are complicated because they dont know exactly what they want

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So we can survive, you idiot.

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No a lever is a simple machine so it's not complicated.

Why are people so complicated?

People are complicated because, well they are jerks!! And sorry honey but that's life for ya!! /:

Why is life so darn complicated?

If life was not complicated, how could you ever possible know the joy of having it easy?

Why are NFL jerseys so expensive?

They r expensive because they are from NFL teams

Why is it so complicated?

Please refer the discussion area

How do you play Madden NFL 2010?

Madden 2010 is a far to complicated game to be taught with just a few sentences here. Hours & hours of repetitive game play is really the only way to learn to play. It is a great game, so practise, practise, practise.

How much is the NFL?

Well I know that the NFL brings in 6 billion dollars yearly, so around 20 billion to buy the NFL.