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Apparently at one point they were going to put down some new AstroTurf, and it was going to cost $750,000. the AD thought it was a shame to spend that much money when no one would even notice that anything had changed. So, since everyone already knew that the field was going to be AstroTurf and not real grass anyways, they decided to make the turf blue, that way people would notice that the field was new.

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Q: Why is Boise State's field blue?
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Do they paint the blue on boise states field?


Why does Boise State have a blue football field?

Apparently they think it provides better visibility, like some tennis courts. I agree.

What is boise state university known for?

Boise State Is Know For (Blue Turf)Its The Only College And Stadium That Haves Blue Turf'

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Only one, Boise, Idaho. There is also, however, a 'Boise City' in Oklahoma.

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The Great Blue Heron are abundent in Boise Idaho. Boise is less than 100 miles from Oregon. I am sure that there are large volumes of Blue heron in Oregon.

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The school color's of Boise State University are orange and blue. Also their school mascot is The Bronco.

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The turf on the football field is blue and known as the Smurf Turf. Many people non-green fields are not allowed. The team was banned from wearing blue uniforms because they blended in too much.

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What year did boise state get the blue field?

1986The Broncos became the first program in America to play on a non-green surface when they put blue turf down in Bronco Stadium. Their first game "on the blue" was on Sept. 13, 1986 - a 74-0 victory against Humboldt (Calif.) State.

What capital city is Boise?

It was Lewiston at first, but disputes over where the capital should be resulted in it being moved to Boise. Boise was growing in size and closer to the center of the state. Lewiston was too far north. It can be argued that Boise is now too far southwest, but there aren't big enough cities near the true center of the state to make one capital. Plus, many capitals aren't in the center of their states anyway.