Michael Graham
The phone number of the Georgetown Branch is: 318-827-9427.
The phone number of the Georgetown Library is: 530-333-4724.
The phone number of the Georgetown County Library is: 843-545-3304.
The phone number of the Georgetown Historical Society is: 302-855-9660.
The phone number of the Georgetown Energy Museum is: 303-569-3557.
The phone number of the Georgetown Historical Society is: 207-371-2011.
The phone number of the Georgetown County Library Bookmobile is: 843-545-3300.
Mel Ott wore number 4 for the New York Giants baseball team. His number was retired in 1948.
The phone number of the Georgetown College Art Galleries is: 502-863-8000.
The phone number of the Georgetown Cultural Citizens Memorial A is: 512-869-1033.
The phone number of the Georgetown Branch is: 260-421-1320.