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Former Philadelphia 76ers Interim Coach, Chris Ford

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Q: Who sank the first 3 -point field goal in the history college basketballand in what year did he sink it?
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Who sank the first 3 point field goal in the history of college basketballand what year did it sank?

ronnie carr in 1980

What year did the first 3 point field goal in the history of college basketball happen?


Who sank the first-point field goal in the history of college basketball and in what year did he sink it?

Norm Skinner of Columbia, 02/07/45.

Who sank the first 3-point field goal in the history of college basketball and what year did he sink it?

Ronnie Carr is the player who sank the first college 3-point field goal. This took place on November 29, 1980 when Western Carolina was playing against Middle Tennessee State.

Who sank the first 3-point field goal in the history college basketball and in and what year did he sink it?

Norm Skinner of Columbia, 02/07/45.

Who scored the first NBA 3 pointer?

NBAOn October 12, 1979, Chris Ford of the Boston Celtics scored the first three-point basket in NBA history . College On Nov. 29, 1980, Western Carolina's Ronnie Carr drilled a three-point field goal, the first in the history of college basketball.

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Who sank the first 3-point field goal in the history of college basketball?

Ronnie Carr of Western Carolina University, a Southern Conference school, made the first 3 point basket against Middle Tennessee State.

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The history of Bowdoin College located in Massachusetts is a very long one, dating back to the first class in 1802 of eight students. It since then has grown into a large successful college and the full history can be read on their website.

Who snak the first 3- point field goal in the history of college basketball and in what year did he sink it?

Ronnie Carr of Western Carolina University made the first 3 point basket against Middle Tennessee State on November 20th 1980

Does the word history when used as a college major have to be capitalized?

No, the word "history" is not capitalized when used as a college major unless it is the first word in a sentence.

How does one get into college with a bad high school history?

Try a 2-year college first, and really show your stuff.