

Which version is best, Magento V.1 or V.2?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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Teresa Hamill

Lvl 10
4y ago

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Magento 2 has way lot more useful options and security important features and other peculiarities that can be spoken much and long of. But there is a small detail: you practically have no time for this. Magento 1 ends in July 2020.

The migration process depending on the size of your business, requires a lot of time, special technical skills and is difficult either way. You’d better decide now!

If you are still not sure what is that you have to migrate to Magento 2 for here are the top benefits of moving to Magento 2 (magefan/blog/magento-1-to-magento-2-migration):

- Security

Security is something that is very much appreciated and given high priority by customers. And it is knows that nowadays they are not so willing to share their personal information, so the main feature they are looking for when making a purchase or ordering services is the website’s credibility!

Staying on Magento 1 your store and all the data are under the threat of being hacked, lost or shared since you’ll no longer receive any updates and fixes.

- Performance

It is well known that without SEO there is no chance to be ranked higher in Google and correspondingly get the expected amount of customers to stay on top. Since SEO is constantly changing SEO experts constantly argue about what is the most important SEO features and agree on the website speed is one of the top.

Magento 2 has improved performance and allows you to process quite a lot of orders per hour than Magento 1. And, definitely, if you think about it long enough you come to the point that website speed is really important since processing more orders you attract more customers with a quick and quality service.

E-Commerce is constantly developing. New marketing strategies become effective, new Magento 2 trends appear and new companies win the top places,. You’ll definitely want to be amongst them.

So staying on Magento 1 may leave you with no chance to stand the competition on the market since your store will fall behind the constantly optimizing stores.

- Customer Experience

People really appreciate their time. And in this fast-paced world, they are more selective in what or who they are dedicating their time to. So, if you want people to not only enjoy time on your website but come back, you have to create an environment your customers would be the most comfortable in.

Magento 2 has the instant checkout feature according to which customers are instantly directed to the confirmation page, which significantly improves their experience on your website. That also makes them come back being satisfied with you caring about their time and making their lives a little bit easier at leat while shopping.

- User- Friendly Interface

In this world of mobiles, there are plenty of people that prefer mobile phones to a laptop. And that is normal since it is easy to carry them wherever you want and get the information from whatever place you are in.

People spend hundreds of hours Surfing the net from their mobile so in case your website isn’t accessible from a mobile you have great chances to lose the fair amount of potential customers.

Magento 2 has a user-friendly interface that allows you to make your content of equally great readability from any kind of device. So, it is crucial when you want to reach out to a wider audience.

Magento 1 doesn't have that feature, so you get why is it important to move to Magento 2.

That’s it. These are the top advantages Magento 2 has over Magento 1.

So you make a choice faster!

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Mary Skula

Lvl 2
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