

When revising a draft?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: When revising a draft?
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What is the stage in which you rework and improve your draft?


What are the correct orders of writing an essay?

Revising, rough draft, prewriting

Which step of research process includes writing a second draft?

editing and revising.

What is an antonym for prewriting?

Rough draft, idea implementation, brainstorm.

When I write an essay I always go through these steps brainstorming make an outline write a rough draft editing and revising.?

When I write an essay, I always go through these steps: brainstorming, making an outline, writing a rough draft, editing and revising.

Which of the following shows the basic steps of writing a reflective essay in the correct order?

Type your answer here... Prewriting, drafting, and revising

What are the stages of the writing process?

The stages of the writing process are prewriting, writing a draft, revising, editing & Proofreading, and Publishing.

When revising a draft how can you make sure it a achives the purpose you planned?

make an actual plan. my teachers make me do it a lot.

When revising a draft what should you do if you find details in a paragraph that do not support its topic sentence?

Revise the details to support the topic sentence

How can you avoid unintentional plagiarism when revising your rough draft?

By making sure you don't mix your words with the words of the source. (APEX)

These steps: brainstorming, to outline, rough draft, writing, revising?

These steps outline a typical writing process. Brainstorming involves generating ideas, outlining aids in organizing thoughts, drafting entails putting ideas into sentences, writing involves fleshing out the draft, and revising focuses on improving and refining the content.

When revising a draft the writer fixes errors with punctuation and spelling?

When revising a draft, the writer corrects mistakes related to punctuation, spelling, grammar, and sentence structure to improve the overall clarity and coherence of the writing. This process also involves refining the language, adjusting the tone, and ensuring that the content aligns with the intended purpose and target audience of the text.