Usually you want to send things into colleges when you are a senior in high school, or around the ages of 18-20.
You send dispute letters until you have received the results you want.
Please send me that where is Aeronautical engineering colleges in Singapore? Please give me the list of that colleges.
Yes, you can definetly send letters to people. It's called M-A-I-L.
Cornell University sends out their acceptance letters in or around the month of December. They will send the letters to the address they have on file for you.
you need to register friends on the friend list and then you will have the option to send them swapnote letters.
Depending on the content and destination of the letters.
Your high school will submit your transcripts to the colleges and universities when you apply. Final transcripts will also be sent to the colleges.
write them then send them?
Yes Letters can be sent to nearly any where.
No, you can't.