-_- this is correct but not because women aren't good Basketball players. It's because the NBA is for men only. Women play in the WNBA: Women's National Basketball Association
There are many, many people that play basketball, including elementary school kids, middle school kids, high school kids, college basketball players, NBA players, WNBA players, female players in schools, other countries, etc.
Best Female College Basketball Player ESPY Award was created in 1993.
Best Female College Basketball Player ESPY Award ended in 2001.
Maya Moore is one of the best female basketball players for the collegiate level right now
Nicola Julie Evans has written: 'Body composition of female college hockey players' -- subject(s): Hockey players, Female -- college students -- body composition, FEMALE hockey players -- College students -- Body composition, BODY composition -- Female hockey players -- College students
41.7 percent
There are 7 players on court, but you can have up to 12 on the team.
Female basketball players tend to be more prone to knee injuries than males due to anatomical and biomechanical differences, such as wider hips leading to increased stress on the knees. Hormonal fluctuations and muscle imbalances may also contribute to the higher injury rates in females. Proper conditioning, strength training, and neuromuscular training can help reduce the risk of knee injuries in female basketball players.
Cheryl Miller