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American College of Sports Medicine was created in 1954.

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Q: What is the purpose of the American College of Sports Medicine?
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Where is the American College of Sports Medicine?


When was the American College of Sports Medicine established?

it was founded in 1954..

How many reps does the American College of Sports Medicine recommend?


What does ACSM stand for in relation to out Phsical Activity?

American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

What does ACSM HFS mean?

ACSM stands for the American College of Sports Medicine, a governing organization in the fitness industry. HFS stands for Health and Fitness Specialist this is a certification offered by the American College of Sports Medicine. It was formally HFI or Health and Fitness Instructor.

What is the contact information for the American College of Sports Medicine?

American College of Sports Medicine. 401 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202-3233 (Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1440, Indianapolis, IN 46206-1440). (317) 637-9200, Fax: (317) 634-7817.

What is in example of a fourth class lever?

Assuming you mean 'fourth class lever' as in respect to a sports injury, then no such thing exists according to 'The American College of Sports Medicine'.

Can your feet face out when squating?

According to the American College of Sports Medicine it is perfectly acceptable to have your toes pointing slightly outwards during a squat

Purpose of market aggregation?

the purpose is to get young Mexicans in American sports

What is a FACSM degree?

FACSM stands for Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine. This title (not a degree) is bestowed upon those with either Professional or Academic Doctoral degrees by the American College of Sports Medicine. Recipients must have been ACSM members in good standing for a certain number of years; they must attend a specific number of ACSM National Conventions; must have served the College; have the recommendations of two other Fellows, ; have published in peer reviewed journal(s); and have either made a "significant contribution to the field of sports medicine", or have a distinguished history of teaching in the field (sports medicine, exercise sciences, etc.). Only about 5% of ACSM's nearly 40,000 international members are recognized as Fellows.

What PhD will you need to be a sport's doctor?

Study 'Sports Medicine' at a Four Year college.

What has the author Billy Hawkins written?

Billy Hawkins has written: 'The new plantation: black athletes, college sports, and predominantly white NCAA institutions' -- subject(s): National Collegiate Athletic Association, Social conditions, Racism in education, Race relations, African American college students, African American athletes, Racism in sports, College sports 'The new plantation' -- subject(s): College sports, Moral and ethical aspects of College sports, College athletes, National Collegiate Athletic Association, African American athletes, Social conditions, Race relations, African American college athletes, Racism in education, African American college students, Racism in sports