There are no documented cases of anyone ever filling out a perfect bracket. And it might not happen for a long, long time. According to DePaul math professor Jeff Bergen, the odds of someone without any Basketball knowledge randomly picking teams and filling out a perfect bracket are 9.2 quintillion to one. If you have some basketball knowledge the odds are still not in your favor - 128 billion to one. In 2012, Fox Sports offered $1 million to anyone who filled out a perfect bracket. But there have been some very close calls as researchers say.
P.S. There is a teen who so far has the perfect bracket. Interestingly, he happens to have autism.
1 guy got 3 off a perfect
"Has gotten" is the present perfect tense of get.
The past perfect tense of 'get' is 'had gotten'
"Gotten" is the past participle of the verb "to get" and is therefore used in forming perfect tenses of this verb.
no one has ever gotten one from it
I am looking for the answer to this myself, the closest I have gotten is "apathetic"
Present perfect is created with the auxiliary verb haveand a past participle. The past participle of get is gotten, which makes the present perfect have/has gotten.I/You/We/They have gottenHe/She/It has gottenIt is also common to hear "have/has got".
Had got (British) / gotten (US)
I never have, unfortunately!
The present participle is getting. The past participle is gotten.
As far as anyone knows, Zac Efron hasn't gotten anyone pregnant.