The nickname for the Crimson Tide football team is Thin Red Line. However, they are also commonly called Crimson White.Ê
The Production Budget for Crimson Tide was $55,000,000.
Crimson Tide was released on 05/12/1995.
The duration of Crimson Tide - film - is 1.93 hours.
Alabama Crimson Tide gymnastics was created in 1975.
Alabama Crimson Tide football was created in 1892.
Crimson Tide - film - was created on 1995-05-12.
Crimson Tide grossed $159,387,195 worldwide.
The translation is 'purpura aestus' but i think it just means a tide of crimson.
in the movie crimson tide how does denzel Washington deal with stress
Crimson Tide grossed $91,387,195 in the domestic market.
What crimson tide member was the jersey number 26
Yes, the Crimson Tide operates out of Tuscaloosa, Alabama where the University of Alabama is located.