"For love of the game"- I found that it has made me more disciplined in my academics, when I went to college it kept me out of trouble because i had no time to party. It's a great way to stay in shape!
The definition of a student-athlete is someone that attends high school, college, or a university and competes in the schools athletic department. A student-athlete is a incredible role, it helps you become more active and competitive while also studying and working hard in the classroom.
The Student-Athlete Bill of Rights expands and also describes the University's commitments to the student-athletes in all phases of the student-athlete well-being and development.
William Erin dayson if that's how u spell it :P
I think you can base it off of different criteria but mostly the skill level the student athlete possesses then I would mix a little bit of future potential in. Do I think the student athlete will eventually become better in the near future. Is he or she a hardworker or slacker.
I'm not sure, but I'm a student athlete and I'm into engineering!
Well, there's a few ways to become a Student athlete at a U.S. or Canadian University. You are either scouted and provided a athletic scholarship, this can also be accomplished by providing a video of yourself playing your sport to the universities and hoping that they offer you a scholarship, or trial, based upon that video. The other manner is by you submitting your grades to the university of your choice and then try out for your chosen sport once there and hope you are selected as a "walk on". This would require you to pay your own tuition though.
Students who are motivated display goal-orientated behaviours. They take initiative, show resilience, harness their curiosity, and care for and respect their work. They are equipped to orchestrate their own learning journey.
Junior Year or beginning of Senior
Motivated is the past tense of the verb, to motivate. Motivated is the past participle of the verb " to motivate" and can be used as a Participial Adjective. Example: A motivated student can learn anything they wish to learn. (here "motivated" describes the student) So, yes! Motivated is an adjective AND the past tense form of the verb "to motivate."
determination, drive