u can't
The address of the University Of Tulsa is: , Tulsa, OK 74104-9700
In Tulsa, we have several schools located in or around our metro area. There is TU (Tulsa university) OSU in stillwater and Tulsa and OU in Norman and Tulsa.
The address of the Tulsa Zoo Management is: , Tulsa, OK 74115-2121
The setting's in the book were Tulsa,Oklahoma ans Windrixville,Oklahoma.
The setting is Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 1960's.
Tulsa is in Oklahoma
The address of the Tulsa Children'S Museum is: 14 E 7Th St, Tulsa, OK 74119
The address of the Tulsa Childrens Museum is: Po Box 701620, Tulsa, OK 74170-1620
The address of the Tulsa Zoo is: 6421 E 36Th St N, Tulsa, OK 74115-2121
The address of the North Tulsa Heritage is: 322 N Greenwood Ave, Tulsa, OK 74120-1026
The address of the Tulsa Garden Center is: 2435 S Peoria Ave, Tulsa, OK 74114-1326