Usually college, university, or work place. Some get part-time jobs to raise money for a year or two before starting school again (because college & University are VERY expensive) and some even travel a year or to before starting again. Life starts after Highschool, it's when you are able to start taking risks and making mistakes (no big ones that'll land you in jail, though) over and over, till you find what you enjoy doing, and who you enjoy doing it with. After Highschool, you start taking dips in the water instead of just gliding your toes along the surface.
Career Connections Charter High School was created in 1999.
Smart Horizons Career Online High School was created in 2009.
Career Connections Charter High School's motto is 'Where Education & Careers CONNECT'.
Near North Career Metropolitan High School was created in 1979.
No. The vast majority of high school sports players will not have a career in professional sports.
She was homeschooled for middle and high school due to her singing career
From grade school through high school, Jerry Lucas won 151 consecutive games until he lost the final high school game of his career.
in high school
Manley Career Academy Wildcats
no, i work at a career training school and have had to deny people admissions with this diploma.
Marlon Jackson finished high school and pursued a career in buisness