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English football teams with names beginning with U are:

Uckfield Town (level 11)

United Services Portsmouth (level 10)

University of Exeter (level 11)

Uxbridge (level 8)

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13y ago
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15y ago

There is no team that starts with you. There is a player that does. His name is Kevin Youkilous.

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9y ago

Utah Jazz is a professional Basketball team. They play in the National Basketball Association.

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There are no professional football teams in North America that start with the letter U. However there are several college football teams that start with the letter U including University of Alabama At Birmingham (UAB), University of Central Florida (UCF), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), University of Southern California (USC), University of Utah (Utah), Utah State University (Utah State), and University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP).

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