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Q: Is flag football a college sport?
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What is Coleman's favorite sport?

flag football and tag footballMonique Coleman is a big fan of flag football

What is Monique's Coleman favorite sport?

flag football and tag footballMonique Coleman is a big fan of flag football

Beyonce's favorites sport?

Beyonce's favorite sport is Flag me

What is Alabama's sport?

college football is the biggest sport here

What is Ohio's favorite sport?

college football

What schools have tackle football as a elective?

none. It is a sport. Colleges might have a flag football elective.

What sport did Martin Luther King play in college?

football in college

Which sport is the ball mostly kicked?

A soccer ball is mostly kicked or sometimes football or flag football

What college sport brings in the most revenue?


What is the most watched college sport in America?

football is

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What is Beyonce's Sport that she plays?

Beyonce's favorite sport is Flag Football, she played it in Highschool :) she also play tennis