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smart is better

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Q: Is fiitjee better or smart better?
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Can you attend the iit-jee-main and advanced exams if you study in matriculation schools?

yes it is possible. there are many coaching institutes like smart and fiitjee for the exams. fiitjee is not so good for foundation courses.But fiitjee faculties are good for physics and chemistry. All the best.

Which is a better coaching institute vmc or fiitjee?

Vmc is the best & there is no doubt about it.

When was FIITJEE created?

FIITJEE was created in 1992.

What is the fee of coaching center FIITJEE?

maximum fee required in coaching centre FIITJEE

Which is better- word-smart or number-smart?

Number smart is better

How Rank Potential Index given by fiitjee works?

rpi is an objective exam conducted by fiitjee. it has high level questions from the topics taught to you. It is a tough paper, and with the LEVEL OF YOUR PERFOMANCE fiitjee predicts your jee rank of similar perfomance

What are answers of IITJEE?

You can get them from the Offical FIITJEE Website.

Is Pet-Co Pet-Smart Better?

pet smart is better

Where can you get IITJEE Key?

You can get the IITJEE Key from the FIITJEE Website.

Fiitjee Talent Reward Exam in India. Is it for Fiitjee admission test or 4 any scholorships purposes. I am presently in Xth and want to join Fiitjee 2 year classroom program. So can i write FTRE xam?

it is actually admission cum scholarship test. so go for FTRE.

What is better being good looking or smart?

Being smart is better then good looking.

How many students appear for fiitjee ftre every year?

Around 3-4 lakh students appear for the FIITJEE Talent Reward Exam (FTRE) every year.