You have to have at least a 3.0 GPA to get into Clemson University. The average GPA is much higher.
you can beat them has much as you want
It can beat 1 or 2 times a second
The answer to that question is 7 times
It is. Children's heart beat is much faster than an average adult
one time to access more areas. from then on however many u want
That will vary depending on the individual, and how much effort you expend. Just about the only thing that can be said for sure is that it will beat faster than at rest.
you cant buy it you have to beat lady blackhope enough times so she drops it i hope this helped
yeah pretty much you will beat the game after you or me beat red..... BY:Ashaunty Scott
It can beat at any depends what time of animal you are talking about, humming birds would have a much faster heartbeat versus an elephants' would be slower ;)
Beat only has one syllable.